Isaiah 41:10 NKJV

Fear Not For I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes I will help you,
I will uphold you with my right hand.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday Oakley Bible Study!

Wow! Oakley Bible Study is celebrating their 2nd anniversary!
When the Smith family moved to Oakley, they went in faith not knowing what challenges lay ahead moving to a small, Mormon town.  Much to their surprise , they found warm, neighbors and made friends.
Still, God impressed Jeff's heart that the town needed a light in the shadow of the only church, the LDS stake center.  The good Lord provided an open door, to the Fire house that is.  In His amazing way, He provided a free, public setting.  Treading carefully and in peace,  Jeff contacted the LDS stake president to let him know what his plans were and that everyone was welcome.  He was glad to get the call and gave his support. 
Not knowing who, if anyone, might attend a Bible Study in a "Book of Mormon town", they opened the doors and put out the tea.  To their surprise, they welcomed two large families.  Two more faithful additions and many visitors later, the Oakley Bible Study is going strong and filling a need in a small town.
Please pray that the Lord will continue to work through this little pursuit and give strength to his workers.

Oakley Bible Study

If you're in the Oakley Idaho area and would enjoy the study of God's word and uplifting fellowship,
 please join us
           Wednesday nights at 6:30 at the Oakley Fire House
           We are currently in the book of Acts.
           For more information please email
           Everyone welcome
           For the whole family